
Guillman's Guide to Speed

Created by Only Crits

Embrace the Windborne Way. An Arcanepunk Sourcebook for Infusing Speed and Excitement into your 5e Games. Funded in 18 Hours!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

GGtS Update #13: Happy New Year and Exciting Progress!
9 months ago – Mon, Jan 08, 2024 at 01:55:29 PM

GGtS Update #13: Happy New Year!


  • Survey Progress: Nearing completion with valuable feedback.
  • Book Writing Complete: Editing phase begins with more playtests on the horizon.
  • Discord Community: Growing and engaging with fun challenges.
  • Next Steps: Mid-February update and ongoing project developments.

1. Surveys 📊

We've reached 90.83% (852/938 Surveys) This enthusiastic participation from our backers is not just encouraging but also instrumental in shaping the final stages of GGtS. Each survey filled out is a valuable piece of the puzzle, providing us with insights and preferences that are crucial in tailoring the GGtS experience to your expectations.

We're currently in the process of meticulously reviewing each survey response. Our aim is to ensure that every backer's voice is not only heard but also reflected in the decisions we make moving forward. This feedback is a goldmine of information, helping us fine-tune the details and make adjustments that align with your desires and needs. It's a collaborative effort, and your input is the guiding force that helps us refine and perfect the project.

For those who haven't completed their surveys yet, we urge you to do so at your earliest convenience. Your feedback is a vital part of this journey, and without it, we miss out on your unique perspective. Completing the survey is a simple yet powerful way to contribute to the success of GGtS. Remember, your voice matters, and it plays a key role in bringing this project to life in a way that resonates with our passionate community.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has already participated. Your enthusiasm and engagement are what make this project so special. We're not just creating a book; we're crafting an experience, and your involvement is what makes it truly extraordinary.

2. Book Progress 📚

Writing Completion: 102.4% (256/250 Pages)

We've surpassed our initial page target, reaching 256 out of 250 pages, marking a 102.4% completion rate in the writing phase. This milestone is a testament to the dedication and creativity poured into GGtS. Our team, led by Rory, has crafted a narrative rich in detail and imagination, ensuring that every page contributes to an immersive and engaging D&D experience. Or at least thats the goal here! 

As we transition into the editing phase, our focus shifts to refining and polishing the content. Editing is more than just proofreading; it's about enhancing the balance, coherence, and overall quality of the book. This process will involve careful examination of each section for narrative flow, consistency, and alignment with the thematic elements of the book. We're also integrating playtesting feedback to ensure the mechanics are balanced and enjoyable. We dont want any overpowered classes that take away from the experience...

We're also teaming up with some absolutely amazing artists for this project, and honestly, I'm buzzing with excitement about the art we're going to unveil. It's like waiting to open a gift you know is going to be awesome. We're not quite at the point where we can spill all the beans about the art process, but trust me, from the sneak peeks I've seen, it's shaping up to be incredible!

On the production side, we're making steady progress. We're working closely with our manufacturing partners to ensure that the physical aspects of the book, from paper quality to binding, are of the highest standard. Our goal is to create a product that is not only a joy to read but also a pleasure to hold and display.

3. Discord 🔥

Our Discord community is rapidly growing, and we're loving the energy and discussions about GGtS. A big thank you to everyone who participated in our monster creation challenge and congratulations to the winners of the Only Crits dice sets! If you haven't joined yet, come be a part of the fun and get insider info on playtesting, book updates, and more.

4. Thank You 🙏

As we embark on 2024, we're filled with a profound sense of gratitude. Your support and enthusiasm have been the driving force behind this project, and we're thrilled to be on this journey with you. The completion of the writing phase is a significant milestone, and it's one we couldn't have reached without your belief in us and in GGtS.

Rory's early completion of the writing phase is a major achievement. This provides us with additional time to focus on the crucial stages of editing and art development. These next steps are where the book truly comes together, transforming from a collection of ideas and narratives into a polished, cohesive masterpiece.

5. Next Steps 📅

Looking ahead, we're gearing up for a busy and productive few weeks. Our next major update is scheduled for mid-February, and we're excited to share the progress we'll have made by then. In the meantime, our team will be deeply involved in the editing process, working diligently to ensure that every aspect of the book is polished to perfection.

As always, we welcome your feedback and questions. If you have any thoughts or inquiries about the project, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Your input is invaluable in helping us create the best possible product.

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm. Here's to a fantastic year ahead!

Warm regards,

Eric Brewerton

GGtS Update #12: Happy Holidays and Project Zooms on!
11 months ago – Sat, Dec 02, 2023 at 09:49:55 AM

We're rolling into the holiday season and everything is clicking along merrily!


  •  Finalizing the Book: The writing phase is nearing completion, and we're gearing up for the editing marathon
  •  Playtesting: Keep an eye on our Discord for the upcoming playtest release. Your feedback is invaluable in making the GGtS experience unforgettable.
  •  Holiday Monster Challenge: Design a winter/holiday-themed monster and possibly win a free Only Crits dice set. Details are on our Discord.

1. Surveys 📊 

Just another reminder that our Backerkit surveys have been sent out, if you haven't filled yours out yet please do so as soon as you're able otherwise we won't know where we're sending your pledge! A big thank you to everyone who has already filled out their surveys, we love the excitement! It matches our own.

We are currently 87% through in terms of survey completion. If you're having issues finding your survey, please shoot us an email and we can resend it! [email protected]

Also, we are planning to update the top tiers of pledge in order to refocus on putting together a stunning book, but you'll still see all the physical products in the top tiers in the survey despite these changes. That's because we're finalizing feedback and numbers, without the data from the surveys we won't be able to lock in the best course of action.

2. Book Progress 📚 

Writing Completion: 93.2% (aka 233/250 pages)

I'm going to rant for a while about the book, so if that holds no interest for you skip ahead to the next section!

Wanted to give a little more insight into the book creation process since it is the cornerstone of the campaign at the end of the day.

Currently the percentage and page numbers you see above are the pure words of the draft being put together. It's sitting at just over 111,000 words. The good news on that front is that it is ahead in terms of pages written from what we were originally expecting, the bad news is that once the pages are written we still have to edit and format them. During the editing process, which I'm confident we'll have enough time for but it'll still be a long time, many of those 250 pages will be cut, either for continuity, balancing, thematic impact, or just because something is too boring. There's also the fact that while content is being taken out of the book there will simultaneously be new content going in, most important of which will be all the art, which we'll talk about in just a second. Lore pieces to fill in gaps for the stronger monsters, items and racers, stat blocks to match important creatures and items from the lore, tracking the timelines of heroes with the timelines of the rest of the world, the kind of weaving together that will turn the current collection of ideas into a cohesive universe with consistency and novelty. And that's not even mentioning the basic spelling and grammar fixes, updating the wording to align it with OGL standards, and eliminating continuity errors. All of that comes after all the ideas have been spilled out onto the page, and we are very nearly there. I am super, super stoked and to be honest it is going to be a really weird shift after writing consistently for so long to switch my brain into editing mode, but the content has come together to be something exciting once it's all polished up. Speaking of, if you are interested in helping with the editing we are always on the lookout for people to help out with the book, so head over to the Discord to catch sneak peeks, do some proofreading, or just chat with other people who love D&D!

Now, to talk of art quickly. There are two vital parts of the art that we're honing in on and that's quality and continuity. We want high quality art in the same style peppered throughout the book with as much frequency as we can afford. It's been eye opening to the difficulty artists go through every day of not only carving out their own style but then maintaining it despite all the weird, speed related prompts they receive. Not only is the art going to push the book well past the 250 pages we were expecting to hit, but it is going to be truly beautiful and we can't wait for everyone to see.

Alright, book chat over, on to more actionable items!

3. Discord (and Other Contact) 🔥

Our Discord server remains the fastest way to get answers about the book. It's also where you can find sneak peeks, which will start coming faster and more furiously once the drafting is done and the editing begins. There's also just some great people in there with a huge depth of knowledge about D&D and it's been great getting to know them.

That said, if you don't have discord or simply have no interest in hopping into the server please don't hesitate to email us at [email protected] with any questions, comments, or concerns, or reach out on any of our social medias. We monitor them all constantly, so reach out any time! 

🎄 Join Our Holiday Monster Challenge on Discord! ❄️

Unleash your creativity and design a winter-themed monster for a chance to win an Only Crits dice set with a value up to $80USD! Details and submissions on our Discord. Deadline: January 6th. Don't miss out on the festive fun!

4. Yet Another Thank You 🙏 

It's been months and it still doesn't feel real that this book is becoming a reality. We are so excited about it and even more excited to be able to share it with all of you. This dream is happening thanks to your support, and so we cannot thank you enough. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

5. Next Steps 📅

We are currently working hard to complete the writing portion of the book, and will be releasing another playtest over on our discord soon. Please head over there for more detailed information. Expect the next comprehensive update from us around January 6th.

Should you have inquiries or feedback regarding the Kickstarter or any Only Crits matters, don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

Thank you,

Eric Brewerton & Rory Hoffman

GGtS Update #11: Surveys Are Out – Let's Shape the Future Together!
12 months ago – Wed, Nov 01, 2023 at 01:38:10 PM


  • Surveys are being sent out; check your inbox and spam folder.
  • Your feedback will shape the final decisions on physical products.
  • Book progress is ongoing, with more details available on Discord.
  • Next steps include continuing the writing of the book and reviewing surveys.

1. A Heartfelt Thank You 🙏

We want to start by expressing our immense gratitude for your continued support and patience. Your enthusiasm and feedback are the driving forces behind this project, and we're excited to move forward with you.

2. Survey Dispatch and Your Input 📬

The surveys are on their way! Please check your inbox and spam folder for the email containing your BackerKit survey. Your responses are crucial in helping us understand your preferences and ensuring a smooth fulfillment process. Remember, your feedback shapes the final decisions on the physical products we'll add to our lineup.

3. Book Progress 📖

Writing Completion: 86%

Writing Estimated Timeline To Completion: February - March 2024

We're actively working on the book and making steady progress. For more specifics and behind-the-scenes information, don't forget to check out our Discord channel!

4. Physical Progress 🌎

Over the next month, we'll be diligently reviewing all the surveys and making final decisions on which physical products will be added, based on your interest and the community's feedback.

5. Discord 🔥

Dive deeper into the GGtS by joining our DISCORD!

We've just completed our first contest and more are on the way, where you can win free dice up to a value of $80 USD.

Get early access to teaser content, playtest material, help edit typos, participate in exclusive surveys, giveaways, and more! It's the hub for enthusiasts and those passionate about shaping the future of Guillman's Guide to Speed.

6. Next Steps 📅

In the coming weeks, our focus will be on continuing the writing of the book and meticulously reviewing the surveys to ensure we align with your expectations. You can expect the next update from us on December 1st, 2023.

If you have any questions or concerns about the Kickstarter or anything Only Crits related, please feel free to reach out to us directly at [email protected]

Thank you,

Eric Brewerton

GGtS Update #10: Backerkit Survey Testing Phase & VTT Update
about 1 year ago – Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 04:18:01 PM

Hello to our incredible backers,

First off, thank you immensely for your ongoing support, patience, and feedback. As we've always maintained, this project is as much yours as it is ours, and we are grateful to have such an involved and understanding community with us on this journey. Here’s what we have been up to:

1. Pledge Manager / Shipping Progress ✏️

As mentioned in our previous update, we've been diving deep into the logistics of shipping to ensure we get things right. Excitingly, we've been able to enable the “Charge Shipping Later” feature in backerkit. This gives us flexibility in how we approach shipping fees. This means we’ll be able to get a more precise calculation once we're closer to fulfillment. For now, please be assured that we won’t be setting up any immediate shipping charges. We’ll keep you in the loop, and always prioritize transparent communication on this front.

With that being said, we are now able to send out our surveys, without risking inccorect shipping costs for all the backers. We are currently in the backerkit “Request Setup Review” phase. During this phase, BackerKit auto-detects potential issues with our setup, after which a dedicated team member from their side will undertake a final review. This thorough review process typically spans 2-3 business days.

Following this, we'll initiate the "Smoke Test". The "Smoke Test" is basically a way for BackerKit to help creators check if everything was set up correctly with the Pledge Manager. It sends an invitation to only 5% of all the backers so that we can get some quick feedback and make any changes necessary before we invite all of the backers to buy add-ons, and put in address informations.

After that, you’ll receive an email from us with a special link to your BackerKit survey. It’s essential to respond to your survey as quickly as possible since we need this information to fulfill your rewards. You do not need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey. When you receive the email with the survey, click the survey link to respond. Answer the questions about your reward preferences, provide shipping information, and purchase add-on items if you like.

After you respond to your survey, you can go back later and change your responses at any time before we close the surveys and get our final counts.

2. Virtual Tabletop (VTT) & Tier Consolidation Update

First and foremost, a big thank you to everyone who took the time to share their thoughts and feedback on our proposed Tier consolidation. The active and passionate engagement from our community is truly uplifting. As we review all the valuable input we've received, our goal remains to make decisions that resonate with and benefit the majority of our community. For those in the top 3 tiers, kindly take a moment to review your BackerKit survey when you receive it, as it contains additional questions that allow you to provide even more detailed feedback.

On the VTT front, your feedback has been invaluable. Based on the collective voice of our backers, we've decided to delay any final decisions about the VTT until everyone has voiced their preferences. This approach ensures that our next steps are in line with the desires and needs of our community. If you've chosen the VTT as part of your package, you'll find an option in your BackerKit survey to indicate your preferred VTT platform.

3. Book Progress 📖

Writing Completion: 82% Join the discord if you're interested in specifics! We are sending out some playtesting docs.

4. Physical Progress 🌎 

Physical Product Updates: We eagerly await the book's completion to print samples, lock in exact product weights, and finalize shipping costs.

5. Discord 🔥

Join our Discord channel for contests, teasers, and more! Our ongoing contests are:

  1.  Map-Making Contest: Craft a map for the village of Crangtar.
  2.  Magic Item Design Contest: Design a 'Very Rare' magic item.

Winners, announced on October 31st, can pick an Only Crits item worth $80 USD.

6. Next Steps 📅

Post the BackerKit review, we'll roll out the "Smoke Test", a crucial step before sending out all surveys. This ensures everything is spot-on for your smooth experience.

Expect another comprehensive update from us around November 1st.

Should you have inquiries, feedback, or just want to chat about all things Only Crits, do reach out at [email protected].

Thank you,

Eric Brewerton


  • Surveys are being reviewed in BackerKit.
  • Once they are sent, please leave your feedback for us to review!
  • Shipping charges will be charged at a later date

GGtS Update #9: Backerkit Survey Progess & Tier Consolidation + FREE ADVENTURE
about 1 year ago – Sun, Oct 01, 2023 at 11:58:28 AM

1. Backerkit Survey Progess / Pledge Manager ✏️

Upon our initial announcement, we projected that the first round of surveys would be released today. This survey is integral to collecting shipping information, and some small details. We will be collecting information on who wants to receive their early backer reward with this survey for instance. However, as we delved deeper into the setup of the Backerkit system, we learned of certain prerequisites. The main requirement is currently the shipping costs, as they need to be setup before we are able to launch the pledge manager.

Shipping is an intricate part of any campaign, with multiple variables affecting cost. As such, we are investing additional time to carefully review and configure these costs, ensuring accuracy for each backer based on their specific tier, selected add-ons, and location. We don't want to over, or undercharge shipping in a rush, and then have issues down the line! 

We recognize that this means a delay in sending out the surveys and setting up the pledge manager, but we believe this meticulous approach will ultimately result in a more streamlined experience for everyone. Rest assured, once we complete this process surveys will be dispatched promptly. And, if for some reason you miss the initial survey email, we will send reminders to make sure you have every opportunity to provide the necessary details.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support as we work towards delivering the best version of Guillman's Guide to Speed.

2. Tier & Add on Consolidation 🖋️

We wanted to keep everyone in the loop regarding some upcoming changes concerning our All-In Tier, Deluxe Tier, and Racer's Crate Tier. After extensive discussions and a lot of number-crunching, we've identified certain challenges tied to producing some of the physical products associated with these tiers. With a total of 72 backers for these tiers, there are some logistical considerations, especially when looking at Minimum Order Quantities of 500.

The heart of this project has always been the book, and we want to make sure Guillman's Guide to Speed gets all the love, attention, and resources it deserves. That said, we're proposing to transition those in the three aforementioned tiers to our Gear Up Tier, with a refund for the difference in pledge amounts. If you pledged at the Gear Up Tier or lower, these changes won't affect you.

But here's the important part: we want to hear from YOU. Before making any final decisions, we're holding off on this transition for a week. We genuinely want to hear your thoughts, concerns, and suggestions. Your feedback is not just welcomed – it's crucial. If you’re interested in giving any feedback, or have any recommendations, please feel free to email me directly at [email protected] or engage with us on the discord!

If you're among the 72 backers affected by this or if you've selected any items from these tiers as add-ons, please check your emails for a more detailed breakdown of our thoughts.

Again, thank you for your understanding and support. This project is a collaborative effort, and every voice matters.

3. Book Progress 📖

Writing Completion: 76%

Current Page count: 191/250

Writing Estimated Timeline To Completion: February - March 2024

4. Physical Progress 🌎

Currently working on locking down the weights of each product. This way we will be able to accurately figure out how much each orders shipping will cost. More on physical products to come in future updates!

5. Discord 🔥

Dive deeper into the GGtS by joining our DISCORD! Get early access to teaser content, playtest material, help edit typos, participate in exclusive surveys, giveaways, and more! It's the hub for enthusiasts and those passionate about shaping the future of Guillman's Guide to Speed. Join us now

Currently, we're hosting two exciting contests on our Discord:

  1.  Map-Making Contest: Craft a detailed map of the bustling village of Crangtar, with its unique customs and the mysterious Weird Woods. Your map can be a city layout, a battlemap, or a more artistic interpretation.
  2.  Magic Item Design Contest: Unleash your creativity by designing a 'Very Rare' magic item, complete with backstory, item stats, and more. Share the origins, the creator, and the item's discovery story.

Prizes are up for grabs! Winners will be able to choose any item from the Only Crits website up to a value of $80 USD. If you're eager to participate and stand a chance to win these unique rewards, there's no better time to jump in!

6. Next Steps 📅

Upon thorough review of the community's feedback and the finalization of our shipping cost structure, we will initiate the BackerKit smoke test. For now, our primary attention remains on understanding and addressing the community's insights concerning the Tier consolidation. 

Next update by Wednesday, October 11th.

7. Free Adventure 🔖

Finally, I wanted to give you all access to one of our very first adventures we made! All the way back in 2020 - Enjoy PRIDE OF KINGS

Should you have inquiries or feedback regarding the Kickstarter or any Only Crits matters, don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

Thank you,

Eric Brewerton



- Survey / Pledge Manager Delay Due to Shipping Costs

- Top 3 tiers consolidating down to the Gear Up Tier

- Free adventure above!